I am going to share solutions to female weight loss problems. Men and women are not created equal when it comes to losing weight, women deal with unique hormone swings and challenging time management issues. To deal with these things and be successful at losing pounds women must learn sound strategies and this articles shares those strategies, please take a couple of minutes to read on.
Female Weight Loss Problems
1. To hectic to count calories. By learning the divided plate rule you can feel confident that you are eating the right amounts of foods and making the right choices without counting calories. Simply draw an imaginary line through the middle of your plate and fill the top of the plate with vegetables and then divide the bottom half filling one side with a protein the size of your palm and the other with a carbohydrate the size of your cupped hand.
2. Give peppermint a try. Do you get cravings especially at that time of the month? A recent study conducted at a university showed that the scent of peppermint can divert your brain away from the craving. In fact participants where able to cut 2,800 calories from their week.
3. Make your snacks protein. Instead of grabbing a pre-packaged bag of chips or pretzels go for a handful of nuts or a low-fat cheese stick. Carbs break down super quick and give you a blood sugar surge which promotes fat storage and makes you hungry again soon. Protein actually helps block the fat-making properties of carbs and because it takes longer to digest you feel full longer.
4. Interval training. You want to exercise but you don't have 45 minutes to an hour to spend on the treadmill? No problem, in 20 minutes or less you can complete a workout that can burn up to 9 times more fat. The secret is adding burst of high intensity. By switching every minute between low and high effort/intensity you stimulate your fat burning metabolism.
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