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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Christian Weight Loss Scripture - Weakness Equals Strength

In 2 Corinthians 12:9, the apostle Paul writes about a response God gave him after he asked Him to remove a certain infirmity. God told Paul that His grace was sufficient and that God's strength was made perfect in Paul's weakness. Paul then goes on to say that he will boast in his infirmities so that Christ's power may rest upon him. Have you ever thought of your current Christian weight loss issue as an opportunity for God to show Himself strong through it and be gloried from it?

Many times when we are in trouble, we try to think of the quickest way out of it. After all, troubles usually cause pain! Thinking that we should be to handle the situation by ourselves, we also never ask God for help until it's clear that no other options are available.

Here's a suggestion: when you are in trouble, go to God first. Swallow your pride and eliminate the middleman. The bible says that God gives grace to the humble. You can think of humility as ducking low enough to give God room to work on you. He can cultivate the character traits (wisdom, ability to plan, courage) in which you are weak to enable you to conquer your weight and financial challenges.

Ephesians 3:20 says that God can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think according to the power that works within us. If we admit the areas in which we are weak humbly, then we allow Christ's power to rest upon us. That power allows us to do all things, which means that even excess weight or financial disasters are within His realm to correct!

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