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Friday, October 18, 2013

Eat Your Way to the Healthy Weight Loss

Did you know that you can actually eat your way to permanent weight loss? In fact, the secret to losing excess weight and keeping it off is in eating the right kinds of food in the right amount, and finding healthier alternatives to your unhealthy favorites. You will need to reduce your intake of saturated fats and refined sugar. This not only helps you lose weight, but also protects you from health problems like heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, you will have to increase your daily intake of water and essential proteins. This helps rev up your metabolism, thus making you burn more calories and shed stored fats.

Many weight loss enthusiasts go on low-carb diets, thinking that all carbohydrates are bad news for weight management. On the contrary, simple carbohydrates found in healthy food such as cherries and plums can actually help you lose weight and become healthier because they force your body to expend more calories during digestion. They are also among the juiciest and sweetest fruits you can find, which makes them perfect food choices for those who cannot go through an entire day without their regular ration of sweets.

Water, of course, must not be taken for granted for the simple reason that keeping yourself hydrated is an essential part of being healthy. Your body, after all, is made up of 70% water, so you will need to constantly replenish whatever amount of water you lose through urination and perspiration. Not only will water help you lose weight and improve your health, but it will also give you softer and better-looking skin. So, eat up, drink up and be healthy!

For More Related Topics Blog: Acai Weight Loss

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